How About A Quit Smoking Challange

I quit long ago, and told Memike I'd be up this spring or summer to celibrate his quitting (I still will Mike). I'll go one further, I'm starting a FABO jar. I'm putting a quarter in it every day that all ya'll stick togeather and give one another support. The $$ will go the some charity or member that needs it BAD, for health reasons when we can get a majority vote on it (from the quitters not me). I hope more jump on the (quitting) wagon (waggin), and if anyone else wants to start a jar in support, you won't hurt my feelings, or iffin you want to send the funds, I'll put them in, or ('cause you may not know me as well) if Memike will take them on behalf of "The jar" that'll be ok too. Let's do good in more than one way. I'm all behind you all Good luck, I'll be watchin' every day and posting encouragement. Kipper. P.S. I'll chip in $5 when I have a cigar.