How About A Quit Smoking Challange

DO IT GUYS!!!!!!!

and congrats on the decision.

Here is a pretty cool website to help:

I quit a hundred times on everything from cigarrest in the late 80s to hypnotherapy. Finally just did it on May 20th 2005. Cold turkey was the best way for me. Sucked for a bout a week and then it was over. You just have to truly not to want to be a smoker anymore.

My "account" on that website has dissappeared because I haven't used in years but they used to have some neat tools to track your progress. Daily money savings, cigarrettes "not smoked" and that sort of stuff. Gives you inspiration when the numbers start to add up. At $3.50pack I have saved almost $5,000 by quitting (my bank account REALLY grew when I quit drinking too ](*,))

I now funnel all that money into my mopars and its a Lot more rewarding.

So from one that made it to the other side I wish you all the best of luck!!!!

Now..... Be a quitter!

PS... Interesting things start to happen to your sense of smell too. Used to be that I couldn't even smell it on my clothes. Now I can smell it at a traffic light with my windows UP if somebody 2 cars over lights up and it makes me gag.