How About A Quit Smoking Challange

Rumble I hear ya. I tried to quit when I was still with my ex (a smoker who has no desire to quit) and it was near impossible so I wish you the best of luck no matter what you have to resort to in order to quit.

Daredevil, that is TFF!!!!

OUCH Mike!! It hurts just thinking about it! Its really nice to hear that Creeds jumping on the wagon as well. I can imagine the extra motivation its going to give you to show him that the "old man" can do it and therefore so can he!!

And Ill share this little story from my weekend. I save coffee cans for parts, nuts and bolts, or whatever. I also used to dump my ashtray in them so my garbage cans didnt smell like a giant ashtray. Well, I was doing some cleaning up and was moving some coffee cans around and came across 1 that was full of butts and ashes. I cant tell you how bad the smell was when I opened it up, but I have to admit that a part of me still wanted to poke around in it and find one that I could light up and get a couple quick hits off of. I did come to my senses before I caved in. I took it outside and sprayed it with water just in case I got week again knowing it was out in the trash.