Twistex's 74 Duster log.

see--- the Captain and I are not the only ones with stories to tell.
I do find it interesting that you are going to leave the /6 in rather than put in an 8.
Looking foward to reading more tales, and seeing the transformation. Remember "If you don't qiut, you win"
Hey I just noticed, the car you bought is a '74, but your artwork is '71-'72, What's up?

Well, we've all got stories. Most of mine aren't really mopar-related, though. There's quite a bit of playing dodge the fuzz in a Maverick, drag racing coworkers on night shift, hassling IBM security, snow drifitng, etc. etc. I'll leave the storytelling to The Captain, though. The only things I've ever had published are a few poems in school, a couple of journalism articles, and a hell of a lot of tech support knowledgebase entries.

I'm leaving the /6 in because I don't currently have the money or time for an 8 swap, not to mention my other project car. (A 1980 firebird with a built 400 somone recently gave to me.) Once the Firebird is done, I'll enjoy it for a while, then I'll probably sell it and put some money back into the duster. I might also be looking for a 68 dart when I have the money. :)

I snagged the image off of a google image search, then edited it to do a test image of how I wanted the stripes, callouts and paint to look. It's mostly just to give myself a frame of reference. I'm no great shakes as an artist, but I can cobble together an image or two, so when I can't actually work on the car, I tend to fiddle with stuff like that.