How About A Quit Smoking Challange

'Nother quarter in the "jar", good going folks. Hey Mike save me a rib.
Sorry I have three mouths to feed here :-D they are all gone.

Moparmarcus has a good point=D>, I will not except defeat, I am the controller of my body and what I say goes. And he is right, my body thinks it has got to have it! But I know better. Thank you Moparmarcus.

Rumors are going around that there are OTHER:clock: members joining us and are going to test there self. We have some strong minds here, and we all can get grumpy and say give me a smoke, But it will be behind you with in two week if you really want to quite. Life will make you say the hell with this **** I am going to have one, It is hell after 35 years of doing this thing they call cool and smoking. But we have got to want to and then the rest will take care of it's self.

Patches may help get you past that hard part. D,G.