How About A Quit Smoking Challange

Well Mike, I've decided to join your little quit smoking group. I've smoked heavily for the past 47 years and it's time to dump the habit in the dumper. Good luck to all, especially me. :)

\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/:blob6::wav::blob: Right on cheif :happy7: You have got my happy thoughts rolling again :occasion: I hear that a pack of cigarettes in New York are 10 dolors a pack. I am very happy to hear you are going to give it a try, If I remember you have been cutting down some.
I bet the misses don't let you smoke in her new Jeep does she :sunny:
If you don't mind what do you have to pay for a pack there Sid ?
drink juice or water when you get the erg and I hope you can fight this monkey off your back with one good swat :thumbrig:

Outstanding my Canadian friend :wave:

I will send a friend to keep an eye on you over head and hope you are the strong man I think you are.
