April 1st Pranks

Got this in my mail today, thought it might help those of us who haven't done any good pranks yet.


It's April 1st, so anyone who hasn't pulled a prank or two.. Here's a few ideas!

At home -

#1: Remove the batteries from all the remotes. Hide them strategically through the house.

#2: Unscrew the lightbulbs just enough so that they're in the socket, but not lighting. This works especially well if you tape over the light switch, too.

#3: Spouse out running errands? Place some underwear in the freezer. Or their pillow.

#4: Get a helium filled balloon, place it in the toilet, close the lid.

#5: Place clear tape over the lock keyslot.

In the office -

#1: Cubicle walls can be dissasembled with a screwdriver. Completely enclosing a cube-mates office is easy!

#2: Pneumatic chair levers can be taped in the "Up" position, or held there with some dental floss.

#3: The office printer should have a healthy ream of paper. Slip a few errant sheets with the words "April fools" written on them into the stack. On the front if you're feeling mean, on the back if you're feeling nice.

#4: Place tape over the optical sensor or ball rollers on mice, or set their keyboard to german.

#5: Change the Windows error sound to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" (needs to be a .wav file, and can be changed in control panel, sounds and audio devices, on the "sounds" tab) (Also works at home!)

The Car -

#1: Change the CD in the stereo. Pick something they despise. Or, alternately, set it to AM Gospel Radio, and crank the volume.

#2: Tape a whistle under the body. (Ensure that the blower is facing the right direction!)

#3: Print out a "Just married!" sign, and place this on their car, along with tin cans/soda cans tied to the back bumper. Works especially well if they parked nose-out!

#4: Open the trunk, and very lightly tape it almost closed, but not latched. If you tape it lightly enough, the trunk should open when they hit a bump.

#5: This one requires a bit of setup. First, you need a 3 foot bag of packing peanuts. Second, ensure that your victims window is rolled down about 2 inches. Then, proceed with emptying the bag in the window!


I like #2 in the car pranks, myself.