Couple cool pics of my Demon

In all seriousness I am having the same conflict with having a back seat. The horiz bar would either be just at the back of the front seats, keeping passengers from getting in the back. Some sort of horiz bar or sholder height atachment point is needed for the four point harness, how are you going to deal with that?
Oh and pardon my ignorance but what exactly is a 4165e tranny?

4l65e is a GM 4sp automatic....put behind trailblazer ss/new GTO/Tahoe.

Keeping a backseat would be better in the event of selling the car, IMO. My original cage was more of a traditional, backseat delete setup. This time (hopefully last) the harnesses are gonna be hung from the main halo. These cars a short enough inside to have the belts at a decent angle....not the ideal 90degree off the shoulders. Floor mounting them is not an option as I like my spine intact in the event of a crash. A removable bar behind the rear seats is an option, but I like the halo mount better.

Should be doing those next week....we will see how it goes.