How About A Quit Smoking Challange

Boy, I just got back from taking my daughter to a local carnival. It is really easy to stay smoke free when I'm at home and not around any smokers. But when I was at the carnival there were people smoking all over the place. I really wanted one until I went up to a dude to ask for one, and he opened his mouth and smiled and there were the most horrible black yellow teeth I'd ever seen. I nearly got sick and It took my craving away. I just said "never mind" So I almost caved in but I didn't.
I hear ya dude :-D There sure is a lot of things that turn you away, Smell and health , Not including how much more respect you have for yourself and doing the right thing. We look so much smarter with out a but hanging out of your mouth and I need all the help I can get in that subject :-D
Proud of you dude =D>:thumbrig: