How About A Quit Smoking Challange

Well, I've made a full 24 hours totally smoke free. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be. :toothy3: The only mild symptoms so far are a knot the size of Manhatten in my gut, :roll: a slight headache with a F-18 using my scalp as a runway, :axe: and I think all of Tarzan's apes slept in my mouth and all deficated prior to their departure this morning. :puker:

Other than that , I feel jus fine!! :sad5: Anyone crosses Sid's path today best be smilin' and movin' fast. :boxing:

Did I mention that I feel great?? :shaking2:

:cheers::cheers: I hope you have a great day Sid, That is a big deal for a 40+ year smoker. I bet no one got in your way to the bath room sink to get the apes mess out of your mouth :blob:, I am so proud to have you on board with us to quite this thing that the world put in front of us as youngster's.
Fresh fruit and water has been a good friend of mine. I switch to a straw after having a tooth pick stab me in the lower jaw.

a slight headache with a F-18 using my scalp as a runway :toothy7:
take a aspirin and call me tomorrow.
Congratulations OldVart, You are an inspiration to all the young guns here throwing these smokes out of our life.=D>=D>