Please help out ARCA driver Norm Benning by voting !

Hey guys & girls just wanted to have you all step up to the plate again & do the same you all did last year & have Norm win yet again.!!!

Norm Benning is a driver in the A.R.C.A. series. My friend Drew Kunkle is Norms "over the wall " gas guy for Norm and attends alot of the A.R.C.A. races. I have personally met Norm on a few occasions and he is truly a great guy and most deserving of your vote.

As most of us know any type of racing today costs an absorbanant amout of money espically if you do it each weekend in a series such as A.R.C.A. Norm races on this circut & would surely appreciate your vote.

Thank you all very much, Tom!

click this link & scroll all the way down to the bottom right & VOTE FOR NORM!