not quite a Mopar but i need some input on a bike i found

well i was driving up the road and found this old bicycle. it looked old so i picked it up and took it home. it says Rollfast on the chain cover. ive never seen one like this before and cant find it on the net.
its a really nice blue color. girls bike sadly. im gonna make it in to a guys bike via a little cutting and welding if its not worth too much. i pumped up the tires and took off. rolls good. lol. talkin about a bike here. . if i did straighten out the bar that signified its femininity id also paint the rims red and the bike flat black like a rat bike. i think they look bitchin. like that. but if anyone on here knows anything about them or even has one maybe knows what they are worth please let me know. im diggin the white walls.