1969 Barracuda 440 M-Code Project Car

I agree with demon700. That's the reason I stayed away from the b body site for a long time.

I trust you're not talking about FBBO, cause I'm a Mod over there and I don't stand for these editorial comments in the for sale section.

On the other hand...I came on this site and jumped in to the community with both feet. I didn't know memike, but reading about his problem with the 63? I was moved and pitched in some cash to help the cause. I also didn't know grump or Mary, but reading about their issues I pitched in also. I bought stuff off the auctions.

And then when I had an issue with that 318 I had I made a post looking for (at the very least) a bit of moral, or immoral support. But what I got was three responses...one of which was an "ouch"

So if anyone was the least bit curious as to why I was staying away from "oour friendly community" here.....that's why.

Then again...no one has even bothered to ask me where I was or why I was gone.....which is why I've STAYED gone. Cause although I tried to be a part of this, I'm obviously not.

no...I'm not bitter at all

edit.....the "ouch" I referred to was meant as a "oh dude...that sucks" supportive post. NOT as a derogatory remark.