08 chargers

I was originally getting a 3.5. I drove it and was satisfied. When I took the family to the dealership for a test fit, an RT was easier to access than the RT. Yeah, probably a sales ploy.

But, since I was limited to a single car and it had to be family friendly, too, I went for the RT. Since then, it has served duty with the carpool car and as an autocrosser. It's fun to beat vettes w/ a stationwagon!

Now that I have the Duster to hotrod, the Magnum is not getting much in the way of hot rodding. It still serves as a daily ride and carpool.

I would have selected a 3.5 had I owned the Duster at that time. There are some minor things you can do to wake up the 3.5 & improve MPG for not much $. Over at LXForums.com, get in touch base w/ Blastin' Bob's for some tailpipes ($150) that get rid of that monster restrictive resonator and throw on a less restrictive "Cold Air Intake". BTW, you can make your own intake (~$50). Some folks talk about 5 mpg improvements, though I think 2-3 is more reasonable.

I'm sure you'll love that car for years to come. After 3.5 years, i still look forward to driving mine.