My Dad is in the hospital, PRAYERS REQUESTED

I have been busy this last few weeks with my garden, trying to take care of the kids and MY David while trying to keep the rabbits out of my cabbage:axe:

Then yesterday, my Dad who is also named David, was taken in an ambulance the hospital with the FLU-A and bacterial pneumonia. My Mom, Fonda, is staying here with my family and me cause she is almost 65, does not drive, their home is 60 miles away and I live less than 6 miles from the hospital.

After 12 hours in the Emergency Room he was admitted to Charleston Area Medical Center Memorial Divison. Dad is in isolation right now, but the doctors are telling us that he should make a full recovery in a couple of weeks. He has a pacemaker and is diabetic like me, so it will be a slow road to recovery. Until then, I am running mom back and forth there, and taking all the necessary precautions not to being the flu back home to my family.
This coming April 25th will be their 45th wedding Anniversary:thumblef:


Keep me and mine in your thoughts and prayers.

Now I am off to bed for some much needed rest.

~Mary :sleepy2: