Don't kill me!

BTW....I agree that this forum is about opinions and having fun..

In the short time I have been on I have been kidded with and mock threatened and blasted for weak and making wishy washy statements.

You really need to be a bit more thick skinned and get a sense of humor to hang here.

It's true that what you consider as a car is really nothing more than an unsafe pile of horse droppings....I know cause I owned one while I was restoring a B body in the 80's.

Those cars are dangerous and unstable at any speed over 30 and if there is any moisture on the ground plan on seeing your bumper pass you on every corner.

That being said......LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS.

And Dad.....I will assume your son is at least need to let him fight his own battles your rage for the war soldier. I guarantee that you have raised him and taught him well enough that he is ready and can handle the cat calls.

Its bad enough that he's talking about rustangs on a MOPAR site.....You don't want him getting the moniker "Daddy's boy" as well do you?

Mop....father of a son as well and believer in humorous insults.