Don't kill me!

Don't get too hasty about knocking somebody with a Mustang.........
When I got my 04 to take over from my Dakota R/T as a daily driver, the guys in the local mopar club gave me all kinds of crap.
My question to them....what does Mopar sell that is V8, 5 speed, rear wheel driver, gets good mileage and is fun todrive ?? NUTHIN !!!
Sure the original undercarriage may go back to the Fairmont but the A-body goes back to the Lancer.

I have 88k miles on the Mustang and to date, other than 2 sets of tires and oil changes I have had to replace one (1) light bulb!
It tows my motorcycles in excess of 130, averages over 22 mpg with me driving and still has the original 5 1/2 year old battery.