Oregonians Beware!!!

first they tax the tobacco, then the beer, then the ammo, then the guns,it sounds like a conspiracy to me. prohibition comes to mind.the only difference is that they don't make it illegal, they just tax it out of our paygrade. when the market can no longer sustain itself due to lack of sales, the business fails and, no longer produces the product in question. the gov't, looses the revenue, and seeks it elsewhere. for as you know, the taxes are what keeps this country going(yea right). i'm with ramhi4x, we should fire the entire lot of them. or better yet, make them all finish thier terms,for free. and, stop paying elected officials completely. if they have to feed thier family's the same way we do,with a real job, they may be more likely to serve thier constituants, with them in mind only.