Oregonians Beware!!!

I'm not saying that I'm in favor of the increased tax but I love how the beer lobby spins it to try to scare beer drinkers. They say that a tax increase of 14 cents per bottle will amount to a $2.50 to $4.00 increase for a six-pack. Apparently being good at math is not a prerequisite for brewing beer.
In the video, they say that Oregon craft brewers currently pay $2.60 per barrel for excise tax; that will increase to $49.61 per barrel if this bill passes. That is a lot of money for a small business, and it doesn't translate directly to the consumer. At all levels of purchasing, production and distribution, there are profit margins to maintain; if they're not, your small business is in trouble. So actually, the math does come out to be at least $2.50 a pint more with this bill if microbrewers want to stay solvent.

I'll just keep brewing my own beer for nearly free! The ingredients are staggeringly cheap.