Oregonians Beware!!!

Someone a long time ago said that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Do you see nothing wrong with a 1,900% tax increase on one particular product? Instead, you look at some computation to nit pick. You miss the forest for the trees. Anybody that bends over to accept this type of government intrusion with that type of response is a lemming in my opinion.

You people would be screaming bloody murder if the government increased the gasoline tax by 1,900%. How about a TV tax? Go for that? Don't laugh, they have one in Britain. Pull your head out of the sand (to put it kindly) or they will soon be coming after something of importance to you.

When you see 1900% your jaw drops but it is somewhat misleading, there is only 1 cent tax at the moment and it hasn't been changed in 32 years, in that period of time I'm sure tax on gas, and tobacco has increased regularly and drastically. If you increase the tax every year or two you won't ever see a 1900% increase in one shot, but it may very well add up to that or more if you compare it from 32 years ago to today. Again, I'm not saying it's a good thing just to look at it in proper perspective, you can't increase gas tax by 1900% because it's already insanely high, you add 14 cents tax to it and nobody freaks out because as a percentage it isn't eye popping.

I wasn't defending the tax as I mentioned before just the member you likened to a lemming because he didn't run straight off the cliff after you screaming we're all going to die. Just because someone doesn't go into panic mode everytime there is any story of a negative nature doesn't make them a lemming or an idiot. Obama inherited an enormous national debt which he will by all accounts likely double but even without that I can't wrap my head around how you can pay down the close to $200,000 debt you currently have for every citizen in your country.