Oregonians Beware!!!

Someone a long time ago said that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Do you see nothing wrong with a 1,900% tax increase on one particular product? Instead, you look at some computation to nit pick. You miss the forest for the trees. Anybody that bends over to accept this type of government intrusion with that type of response is a lemming in my opinion.

You people would be screaming bloody murder if the government increased the gasoline tax by 1,900%. How about a TV tax? Go for that? Don't laugh, they have one in Britain. Pull your head out of the sand (to put it kindly) or they will soon be coming after something of importance to you.

Again with the uncalled for personal insults! The lemming comment is simply out of line and disrespectful. I don't follow anyone blindly, I actually think for myself, based on factual information. You have to do more than just read part of my comments while ignoring the thesis of my argument. Yes the increased tax makes me mad, perhaps as mad as it makes you ... not my point. My point was that it always gets my goat when people have to twist the facts and play with the numbers to put a particular spin on things, especailly when they don't have to. I am an informed consumer, voter, etc. Above all, I respect those who present accurate and factual information. If I perceive that someone is telling half-truths, I become suspicious and sceptical. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees ... my point was that I want HONESTY not spin. No need to respond to this, I'm done with this silly argument.