Calling All Mechanical Geniuses

Gotcha, Hershey was a overweight Motorcycle cop.

I think he was assigned to be the hot rod/muscle/classic car driven by a teen high schooler nemisis.

Go 1 MPH over the speed limit driving your 80 Firebird and he would stop you, and harass you.

I had backed into a post in my 64 Custom 880 and cracked a tail light lens.

If you havent seen one, it kind of bends around the side of the car. Real hard to find and in the early 80s, impossible. I knew of a 2 dr at Whiteside in Clearview, i had scavenged most of the parts off of.

Anyway, he stopped me for a cracked tail light. I said I knew it was cracked and was planning to go get a replacement that weekend.

He says hmm, let me look if its safe to drive that long. He goes back and "tests" it, breaking it. Needless to say, he gave me a ticket for defective equipment and a fix it ticket.

Nice guy huh?