
Thats what I was thinking for the price. I dont care either. Normally I would definately be only buying american. But anything american is a lot more money.

I hate to open THIS can of worms, but....

I've been a foriegn car Tech all my life. I started with Porsche-Audi and after 10 yrs. I joined Infiniti in the early 90's, then switched over to Nissan for the last 8 yrs. and watched the product go from made in Japan to made in Tennessee. I now work for Infiniti, which is Japanese made. Wanna know why? Hap-hazard alignment of interior and body panels, cross-threaded fasteners, loose trim, and blatant incompetence in assembly. And that's the God's honest truth. It's so bad, that Nissan has announced that they are going to go back to assembling Maxima's & Quest's in Japan. Every day was a horror-show dealing with those cars....

My sad observation is just because it's made in America, don't assume it's going to be a better product. At ANY price.... You still have to shop around and try new vendors. Ya never know.

BTW: My in-house financial advisor has given the green-light on the radiator purchase. Full review to follow.... 8)