Baseball Fans ????

Being a Yank fan is like being a Chevy fan ..... Gross !!!!

How many World Series has your team won? :bootysha:

I was born into being a Yankee fan. My dad grew up a few blocks from the stadium. Our family has been attending games there since the 1930's. We had season tix (split 4 ways) for 21 years.

And hey, it's not easy being a Yankee fan sometimes. I don't agree with how they solve problems by throwing money at them. You can't buy heart, as evidenced by their performance the last 7-8 years. The expectations are always so high, it's a major disappointment when things don't go right. Makes it less enjoyable sometimes.

Those world series teams were all the result of a core group put together by Gene Michael when The Boss was out of baseball in the early '90s. Once George got involved again, he went back to meddling, overspending and making poor personnel choices like Carl Pavano, Kei Igawa, etc. Dreadful mistakes that cost the Yankees millions that could have been spent elsewhere. Frustrating to say the least. I'd rather them just be bad like back in the late '80s.