Happy 4/20!

i think its like drinkin back when it was illegial. i dont really see much issue wuth it other then the obvious health concern and it bein illegial. but drinkin pepsi is unhealthy so i cant really say one is different lol. its just not for me:)

We sure don't have any alcohol related problems since we legalized drinking do we. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one to a drunk driver, been an abused wife at the hands of a drunk or is in jail because he made a stupid decision while drunk if we should legalize weed. Its ruined this province as it was over 6 billion dollars of our GDP last year. There are way too many retards sitting at home living off the system because they are too stoned and complacent to go out and get a job. If the ever legalize it you should have to be drug tested to get welfare or social assistance. I'm tired of paying massive amounts of taxes to support a bunch lazy SOB's.