Happy 4/20!

First off: 4/20 is about the legislation, it's not just about smoking pot on a particular day or at a particular time... so that is correct.

Second: As a previous drug user I must say that this conversation has gotten out of hand. Just because YOU don't think it is a good idea, does not give you the right to belittle the people that choose now or have chosen before to partake in such activities. AND if you wanted a healthy topic of debate calling such persons LOSERS is not the way to start it. I led a hard life of everything from smoking pot to shooting heroine when I was younger and included at one time or another everything else in between as well. Do I regret it?? Not a bit, it helped form my personality and made me who I am today. Who is that exactly?? I am a successful, non drug using man in his 20s that has taken what exerience he gained from his own drug use to give back to the community and volunteer time to those children and teens that are in the same situation and are willing to accept the help they need to move away from this lifestyle. Do I look down on them for it? NO!! Do I call them LOSERS only to make them feel more poorly about themselves, use more, and not seek help to get clean?? NO!! So, as someone that has done MANY MANY drugs on MANY MANY occassions I don't believe for one second that I would call myself a LOSER. So, kind sir, please educate yourself before labeling EVERYONE that has made the choice to either try drugs, or who has made the mistake of becoming addicted to these substances as I once did. By the way, I don't remember ME EVER telling you how to live your lifestyle, so who in the world do you think you are to tell me how to live mine?? I also don't recall calling you a LOSER for any such reason what so ever and I would venture with much confidence to say that you are not perfect in any way either, so what makes you so saintly as to judge me for my choices or actions?? Those who live in houses of cards or glass should never cast the first stone!!