My Dad is in the hospital, PRAYERS REQUESTED

Hi Mary and David,kids.My dad has also been send home,he,s doing better!While he was in,after his back surgery he was given codliver oil do to constipation(anestiecia)in the middle of the night he messed himself and got out of bed to get help(nurse wouldn,t come or help clean him up)so he went back to his room and cleaned himself up.Well he had a heart attack,he only has 1/2 a heart from previous so we almost lost him.then pnemonia set in his lungs.He was in ICU for a week.He,s been doing better and is home with oxygen for a month(he,s 76)Sorry to be long-winded,but I feel your stress!I,m hoping both our fathers make a full recovery and carryon living full lives again!Scott(pettybludart)