Rant about forsale cars and rust

I'm sorry but when I am looking through forsale ads (not just here but everywhere) it seams like people love to use the term "Rust Free". Guess what? IT'S NOT!!!!! Unless the car has been rotisserie restored with every thing off and blasted/dipped when the 1/4s are off I guarantee I can find rust.

These are old cars and they weren’t dipped at the factory like new cars are. Get in a trunk and look up what have I seen in every car I have done that too?? Rust!!!!!!

Just because a car doesn't have visible rust doesn't mean it's not there. I spend a lot of time removing rust from the tops of inside the doors, 1/4s and trunk area, guess what? There is still some there eating away like the cancer it is.

I have bought parts cars that have had mirrors falling though the door and door handles pulling off because of inner rust. (exterior looked decent)

I was looking at a CL earlier and it said "no rust in the trunk" there was a pic to prove the point and guess what I saw??? Surface rust..... Um there’s rust right there. It can be taken care of easily but guess what it's there!!!!!

Ok ok I'm sorry I have been fixing rust all day today so I kinda am a little fed up right now.

On a positive not I got the dart blocked out and I should be ready to prime her on Monday.