Broken Bolt in Water Pump

OHH!The suspense,you forgot to tell us how you got it out GTX??Fill us in on crusty bolt removal knowledge!!LOL!

Well, an entire week of being sick really helps let the PB Blaster seep in. ;) While I was sick, I "crawled" (for dramatics) into the garage each night and sprayed everything down. I heated up the cover area a the bolt end and shot PB hoping it would suck it in. I gave the bolt end a couple of shots with some scrap metal stock and a ball peen. I was also able to get a couple of small pry bars at the ten & one o'clock positions. I shot some more PB down there hoping it would find it's way.

Other than that, I would give the pump a few twists back and forth. Originally, the bolt was turning with the pump. One night, I twisted the pump and the bolt did not move so I knew I was close but there was still alot of material keeping it from sliding off.

Also, I was making a little head way with the pry bars and got to the point where I could slip some metal stock in between the timing chain cover and the pry bar (so I wouldn't damage the cover). When I got it to budge a bit, I slipped in a little thicker stock. Monday was the first day back on it (besides spraying it down during sick week) and after a little work with the pry bars it finally came off.

Re: the bolt in the block. It was a little more of the same. Heating, banging and a pair of vices ... and out it came. Here's a pic of the troublesome bolt below. To be fair, it hadn't seen the light of day for 38 years.

Then ... just when I thought I was out of the woods ... (To Be Continued in the Next Post).
