Rant about forsale cars and rust

Then you should start playing with cars built after at least 1993 because pretty much anything else will have some rust in it somewhere. Either that or get really good really fast at being a bodyman so you can afford to have all your cars acid dipped and sealed. Besides where would the fun of being a bodyman be if all you had to do was cut off the smushed up quarter and glue a new one on or unbolt the cracked fascia and bolt the new one on. The fun is in the cutting and patching of the rust. To quote someone...not sure who....."It's only metal" :D

I never said I didn't like what I do, I just don't like the misrepresentation of these cars. I just finished shaving the door handles on the aspen and wow they came out great, I do love seeing my work and finding ways to get better at doing it, as well as becoming faster. anyway I gotta block the dart again tomorrow and it's time for bed. :sleepy5: