Rant about forsale cars and rust

I'll shut up and be happy with my "rust free" Duster. JB

You do have a very nice car and I was in no way trying to say it isn't.

rust is rust, in any form, surface or otherwise. you still have to deal with it the same.


Even in a what appears to be a restored piece cannot be done to your desire. When I bought my Duster it was described as being in great shape. In honest when I received it there was no surface rust to really speak of until it was hit with a DA and then the discovery was in my eyes disheartning of patch repair work.

The biggest issue was the lack there of of tying in the structures when the car was mini tubed. NONE of the roof supports were tied in. The tubs were merely caulked or seam sealed in place! This was pretty apparent by the cracks in the paint on the roof.

The rockers and b pillars were loaded with cheese. The inner quarters were shot and the bottom of the doors were ready to poke through.

You never know until you strip it down.

If someone were to claim that it's rust free and a restored piece I'd want proof by way of picture documentation. This is one thing I did from start to where it is today in primer. Any and every issue was addressed cut repaired or replaced and sealed.

A visual eye of the undercarriage or surface never tells the whole story till you dig deeper below the shiny paint.

Essentially this is exactly what I am trying to say, if there is a little chances are there is more in spots that will ruin a car.

I know people are just trying to sell a car but I feel bad for the guys who don't know any better and buy it. Yes they should have done a little more research but it gets kinda discouraging when you find out how much it is to fix it.

Rust from the inside in my opinion is worse then from the outside because it's eating away at uncoated material.

My dad has a friend who's '70 challenger was dipped and fully coated. The car won best paint at the Seattle roadster show. I bet if you looked hard enough you could find a speck of rust (maybe the underside looks as good as the top side and the car wasn't driven until recently.). But I would most likely have to say this car is truly rust free. It's also a 100k show car.

I love this kind of honesty!!!!
When people ask me if my cars are rust free, I usually say that there isnĀ“t such a thing as a rust free car. You can bet that even if it is a brand new car there is some rust hidden somewhere.