Disappointed with my Fender Tag & Broadcast sheet of my car

I am impressed with all the help offered in this dilemna for this gentleman , but then thats why we all belong to such an organization and spend our free time checking in on it. That said, I'm equally amazed at all the slamming from some members towards GTS services for charging for their time. No matter what any of our professions are there is a hobbiest out thear that would do it for fun thus free and that is fine, but it's not their hobby. They spend all working hours of every working day researching the info for people. If you don't want to pay them for thier services don't ask them to perform them, and I can understand why they have no refunds. Can you imagine how many times you would research something for somebody only to give them the info that they don't have that hemi car they thought they had and now they really don't want to have to pay for it. After getting all the required information I'm sure they will make it right for you. I've worked with GTS and they were very fair business people but that is what they are , business people, we are hobbiest