Windshield gasket for Duster needed

what price did you get/shipping cost/part #

It was $85.00 + 5% or 10% discount (and I can't remember why...) for the windshield gasket. I should have compared prices before buying, but I thought the price was "fair." The part number was: AM76 (repop) for my 71 Duster. I'm OK with that. Can't remember shipping charges because I ended up buying some other things as well. I'll look at Restoration Specialties for some other things I still need--great to have another outlet to compare. I'm the King-Of-Cheap, so saving money is important :mrgreen:

EDIT: I remembered that I searched the internet for a coupon or discount offered this month and actually found one. Golly two days ago seems like last year already, so I'm sure my life is too busy right now.