Please remove my thread

Snake, that thread reminds me why i do my own paint and bondy work, it's not your fault that you didn't get what you expected. Why don't you redo the engine compartment yourself? It's not that hard to do. This is a really sensitive topic for all concerned.
Buff out the rest of the body and it'll be fine. Not all of us can afford $10,000 paint jobs and to get it done perfectly.
Remember, you get what you pay for!
And stay on here or else!
Just my .02

That's a good suggestion, I do all my own work and have a great appreciation of how much work and expense there is to it. I don't even bat an eye if someone says it's a 10K paint job, if you want it perfect you have to put a lot more work into it than you would ever imagine. If you're overly anal about it like I am you're never happy with the results even when everyone else is raving about it. Like I said earlier, most people don't notice litte imperfections except picky bastards like me :-D