Cylinder Heads 101

Mr.Moper, First Indy's and Edelbrocks don't impress me very much, and CNCing is only as good as the man that ported the head and programmed the computer. There hasn't been a CNC head yet that I couldn't improve somewhere. So let me say this also that I'm sure that there is someone out there that could make my work better also, but this is why I try to stay ahead and am constantly working cylinder heads to find something new everyday.
The heads that you brought back up that you seem to think that are too high in flow is just what I'm talking about. When someone else hasn't done it,then they call foul. I happened to stumble across the extra flow by accident, I actually thought that I screwed up in the R&D process that I do and found something new on the flow bench. But it wasn't in either of the two heads mentioned, it was actually in a casting that we cut up. So then I went back and tried it on MY heads first just to see, and low and behold it did the same thing. So at this point I had just learned something also, but I keep trying everyday. Just when you think that you've done everything to a head that you can something else will appear. This is why I like R&D work.
This is also why I DON"T BUY INDY OR EDLEBROCKs for my use, do they have a place, absoutely but not on anything that I build. Before I would buy either of those I would op for the commandos, as they are what replaced the W-5s also they come in 2 versions 177s and 190s, the 177s use all std stuff and the 190s use W-2, W-5 rocker gear but this is the only difference between them other than the port volume. They will out flow Indys or edlebrocks out of the box with either version in the same shape as the ones they are being tested against.

BJR Racing