Pic's frome the spring fling.

Nice to meet you and your family as well JayD. Thanks for the kind words.

I had a rotten day selling stuff and that will probably be my last at Flings for selling. I knew it was going to be bad after about 10-15 minutes. Had at least a dozen people tell me that my price on certain parts was very good, yet, nobody bought anything. I sold 3 things all day which barely covered my cost to get there and entry. Then on the way home, I lost a tire on the truck so it got expensive going home too... :wack:

It was a shleprock kind of day!

The bright side was I got to drop off some heavy parts that my friend sold to another member, saving them some shipping charges. Also picked up a few things that got delivered and saved the shipping charges coming my way. So it wasn't a total loss.

It was cool to meet JayD, and see/speak with Dave, Johnny, Burnt/Russell, and everyone else.

Cracked, speaking of parts being transported for other members ... do you have Steve's screen name so i can contact him about picking up the front disc brake assembly I brought up for him? Steve, if you see this, please contact me.