Incompetence Rant

8) we are not ALL the stereotypical generation x'er. Everything I have is because I have worked for it....Including the duster. Ive had a job since I was old enough to have one. Worked at a gas station all through high school so that i could pay my bills and have any left over money to put into the duster project. Build it on my own for the most part....thanks to fabo tech support. Now im going to tech school so that I can make a better living for my family. Then again I was not raised like alot of kids around me were. I am by no means perfect but Lazy? absolutly not......but I understand were your coming from
I am glad you said something; I'm in the same boat with you. Of course, I understand that there are some in our generation are lazy as described, but also those of us who earned what we have! I've had a job since I was 15, and have never had anything paid for by anyone but myself. And I have plenty of friends in my age group who could say the same.