Need help with an electrical puzzle

I'm going to mention this only once, and then there shall be no more discussion on this subject. I told Aaron that I was going to place all the blame on him, to save face for myself, but I realized that would not be right. I shouldn't do that to my son.

As you know, I have been looking for a solution to an electrical "problem" for several days, since we installed the instrument cluster. I even bought a new headlight switch to see if it might help. I traced out wires, cleaned connections, checked fuses, and replaced bulbs until I was at my wit's end.

Last night, Aaron wanted to try the new switch and see if we could get the cluster lights working. To swing the cluster out to get to the headlight switch Aaron disconnected the wiper switch. As I pulled the panel forward to clear the steering column, he asked me, "Did you disconnect this?" I looked back there to see what he was pointing at, and you guessed it......
Do I need to say more? Should I fess up to my complete and total stupidity?

OK, but I only do this for the sake of those who follow after me with instrument panel "electrical problems". You young 'uns learn from my mistake and pass this knowledge on to your offspring:


Now, before you write me off as a world class retard, realize that we really did have some grounding problems and burned bulbs giving us fits, but we had the instrument cluster hanging off the left side of the steering column by its wires. Once we had all the bulbs replaced and connections made, we disconnected the panel to reposition it in its proper location to hook up and test the wiper motor and switch. At that moment is when I/we made our fatal mistake. We were trying so hard to carefully get the cluster tucked up behind the column without scratching our new paint job that the main connection to the circuit board was overlooked.

It was an honest mistake that any one of you could have made (and possibly have). So, in the spirit of poking fun at me, go ahead and take your best shot, I deserve this one. The good thing is, now we can finish installing the rest of the interior and get the car ready for the road.
