Dogs you have owned....

Oh man, you know I had to jump on this thread, lol.

Rocky was my first German Shepherd Dog and he was quite the character. I had a girlfriend over and we were drinking some rum and cokes. She started to get pretty buzzed, said something funny to me and slapped me on the leg. Rocky jumped on the coffee table and grabbed her by the wrist and just growled..... Needless to say, she wasn't my girlfriend for very long.

Another time we (the dog and I, that gf was long gone) went camping and while I was gathering wood, he gave me a bark and a wag and I gave him a big stick to drag back. He and I continued on like that till I had a good supply for the night. Needless to say, for his help he got a big piece of steak that evening.

Next morning in the tent he gave a bark and I let him out to do his thing. I crashed back out and about an hour later I heard him bark again. First thought was "Oh crap, he got into something". I looked outside the tent and there was a big pile of firewood. Even some big *** 40 lb logs, lol! Rocky got steak and eggs for breakfast. :)