Dogs you have owned....

Hey Small Block, I saw that movie when I was younger(Where the red fern grows)I cried like a baby, same with Old Yeller. About a year ago while digging through ths discount dvd bin at wally mart I found a copy. My wife had never saw the movie. Needles to say we watched, we cried, and she told me to get ride of it and never do that again. Well anyway we just had to put down our 10 year old black lab mix named Cody due to cancer. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. He was perfect in mind and spirit but the tumers really messed him up inside, he stopped eating for a week and then wouldn't drink any water. The vets were aces about the whole thing, we stayed with him till the very end. Sorry for the sad story but we believe the pain of loosing him is offset but the joy he brought us.

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