I called the police

Damn, there has been a lot of car prowling and houses get broken into around here as well. I feel really sorry for what ever idiot tries coming through my window or door. Between my brother and I we have about 30 guns. He keeps a fully loaded "Dirty Harry" 44 right by his bed. And I have a loaded German Sten machine gun by mine. So needless to say, you would really be bumbed out if you entered my house uninvited. Anyway, MEMIKE, I'm glad that your O.K. and that your family is O.K.
I am sure there would be a big hole in my bed room wall if they came in, ever see what a heavy loud duck shot will do to a sheet rock wall.
You sound prepared dude, I do have over 1000 rounds of 22 mags and always keep plenty of 3'' mag slugs and #3buck shot and game loads.
To keep us feed and protected :thumrigh: With this swine flue thing going on I may have to stay home and eat off the land and fish, who know's :!: