Dogs you have owned....

Dang dogs! They get in your heart worse than almost anything else - I guess that's because they're so loyal and always happy to see you.

Man, 'aint that the truth!

I arranged for the vet to come to the house. Gave Toby a bowlful of chocolate ice cream (only time he ever tasted chocolate) and then hugged him while the vet did his thing. Cried like a baby afterward.

It sucks so bad to just see them go limp after a shot of the purple stuff. It's the worst part of being a pet owner.

The very next weekend we went to a dog show looking for another Ridgeback and found our current one, Brady. He'd been brought out from Ohio as a puppy to be a showdog to enhance a local breeders bloodline but they had to have him 'fixed' when one of his testicles didn't drop. The breeder came over to interview my wife and I and see our house and other dog (Siberian Huskey) to make sure all was going to be OK, then ended up giving us Brady. He really is a great dog.

Cool! A guy just a block away helped me get Merlin back with the help of a RR. All he said was "go get 'em!" The RR just walked right up to Merlin and had him follow?! It was cool to watch. Neat dogs and I think it was the first time I ever met a RR.