Memike@Catholic Wedding

I was raised Catholic and went to alot of Catholic weddings (including my own). I think my Southern Baptist inlaws were in shock at mine. We went through so much alcohol that the caterer ran out and my best man had to run to the liquor store to by a couple of more cases of whisky (you have to know how to pick a best man). At my last high school reunion, I remeber a comment from one girl about how wild the Catholic kids were. I told her that if we really over did it we could wipe the slate clean by going to confession LOL!


Yall are cracking me up :toothy10: But so true:rock:, It was a great day and I did allot of standing , siting Standing ,siting, 3/4 of the folks there where not Catholic and the priest was enjoyed by the crowded church, That I must say was beautiful with all the stained glass and old light fixtures my wife went crazy over. The church was built in 1931. I would like to thank all the Catholics here for a outstanding time in my life I will never forget.=D>:rock:

Don't thank us, thank God. :) We're a rowdy bunch but generally good people. :pirate: