mancini tube upper control arm failure....

The failure in those pictures are from a poor weld. Don't lump the RMS system in with that other junk. Mine has been in my car since 2005. There are cars out there with 60,000 miles on theri RMS system with no problems. Do your homework. I have never heard a complaint or of any type of failures with the Rms set up . It may not be as cheap as others but it's your saftey we are talking about.
Point taken Joe, But if your using these systems on the street, Beware! Your 100% liable! Both companys have a disclaimer, off road only!!!! and if a knowlageable insurance adjuster notices that non factory system, good luck recovering any damages period! Neither company claims to have an in house engineer. homework done. I don`t care how good a weldor you are, In real life, welds fatigue, something I would inspect frequently, and if they crack from inside out you`ll find out the hard way. Good Luck