air shocks

All right, I have air shocks on my Dart. Never had them on any car before, the car came with them. The *** end is way up in the air, definitely not the correct ride height. If I'm not mistaken, the rake is actually making the nose dive down a bit. Eventually I will change the whole rear suspension set up but for now, they're staying.

Just as a quick check, I put a tire gauge to the little schraeder fill valve and it was way over 50psi. Obviously I need a better gauge to see what it actually is but in lieu of that - is there a recommended setting or is it just personal choice? Feels like the thing is hopping around back there. I'd like to lower it down a bit and soften them up if possible.


Air shocks are usually a fix for tires that stick out of the wheel wells. Back in the day there weren't many rim off sets as today. Before you remove the air shocks, let the air out and see if the tires rub anywhere. If they don't you can install regular shocks. If they do, you're stuck with them for now. Put 20lbs of air in them and just drive the car. Have fun.