You've got to see this...

He calls me dawg all day long,hands me beer's tells jokes and bust's his a$$ when we are working on a project together,not to mention some of the stories we tell about the day's gone by,he's even signed on for the f.a.b.o. appreciation tour if I win the restoration challenge we gonna crawl up in the waggin and take a road trip and get to meet some of you guy's in person,I'll warn you he'll make you laugh so hard it will hurt....really hurt!!!!and I ain't even kidding about it! He'll tell stories that you will be able to smell the smoke from the tires and the burnt fuel mixture in the air!!!!and if you knew im as well as I do you'd know their all true,the man's got a set of moral's when it comes down to thing's and I guess that's why we hang.hopefully we can drag miss ellie along she's the most wonderful,happy person I have ever met and mr.Dawg doggity dawg's signifigant other and them two are the awesome twosome!!!!so ya'll cross your fingers for the old waggin in the challenge!