mancini tube upper control arm failure....

Did anyone wonder if maybe the wheel made contact with the curb then the whole front end corner with a tree before the tube broke.....

The TUBE did not break, the weld did. I've been a union pipefitter for 8 years now - I've been to buildings that collapsed ( tropicana casino @2006) and piping was demolished - the welds did not break, and the piping was bent like pretzels - from 24" piping to 3/4" piping - so the fact that the arm is not twisted like the sheetmetal and the weld was the weakest link is cause for concern. I dont have an engineering background but real world experience has shown me that welds should not fail like that - the piping should bend ALOT before a crack even shows, and IF there is a crack that is a sign of porosity, or many other variables in a bad weld.