What do you expect out of a car show?

Well I understand some cruise-ins are informal and just the owners getting together to show off their cars or just getting together. Usually those are free too. But an advertised car show with a fee should offer more than they had Friday. My biggest gripe was the parking. Not only across the street but no protected area for the cars. I highly doubt they had permission from the property manager for the mall to park the cars there as the mall would assume all liability for damages without their consent and not sonic. I had to get permission from a property manager to have one of my car shows approved and we block off the show area. Hopefully the others in the area this year will be more fun. I don't mind paying a fee if it actually goes towards a fun show with music and the such but to expect me to pay $10 to run across a busy road is not my idea of good planning. Now I know why I get compliments on the shows I do.