FYI - Thief in our midst

Having done business with other members here, I am sure glad that there are good upstanding folks to balance out the asshats like this one. Case in point: a deal I made with waggin. I agreed to buy a pair of taillights from him. Several personal setbacks forced me to delay payment to him several times. It seemed like every time I would email him a promise to send payment "this weekend", something would happen forcing me to send another email telling him I couldn't. He very patiently waiting for me for several months, always telling me "no problem, it's got your name on it". When I finally did get payment to him, a lesser man could have made me wait for the parts like he waited for the money, but not him. I had the parts in my hands 12 days after mailing the money order to him.

So for every time I read about some jack leg like this guy, I am glad all over again that there are guys like waggin out there who keep the world in balance.