Startup Procedire ?'s

You are covering the bases well. You want it to start and run as quickly as possible to avoid cam and lifter damage. Be sure the carb is full of fuel and give the pump arm a push and see that the squirter is working. Set the idle screw so that you know it will run at least at 1,500 rpm once it does fire. Be sure to check the rotor position relative to the number one spark plug tower to be sure you have some advance. Check that you have sufficient voltage at the coil with ignition on. Tighten the distributor hold down just enough so you can move it.
Once the engine starts, listen for any bad sounds and read the oil pressure. Look for obvious leaks. If all is good and the engine is at least at 1,500 rpm (you don't need 2,500 or 3,000), put the timing light on it. It should have total advance all in and set it for 34 degrees. If you are not using a timing light, use a vacuum gauge and set the distributor at the highest reading.
If the timing was retarded at startup, the header tubes will be unusually hot. Give each tube a "spit test" to verify even heat. You should be all set. If you are using adjustable rocker arms, let it cool off a little and then pull the valve covers. It is good to check here for anything that might have loosened or taken a seat or took a poop! Good luck!